2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for Carter County Schools
ELEMENTARY - Reading: 17% Distinguished, 32% Proficient Math: 10% Distinguished, 30% Proficient
MIDDLE SCHOOL - Reading: 17% Distinguished, 31% Proficient Math: 8% Distinguished, 30% Proficient
HIGH SCHOOL - Reading: 12% Distinguished, 34% Proficient Math: 8% Distinguished, 22% Proficient
Title IX, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) reauthorized the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act in December 2015. This federal legislation has supported homeless youth for the past thirty years by promoting educational success for students who are experiencing homelessness.

Determining Eligibility
During online registration, parents are asked specific questions to determine the extent to which their living arrangement is fixed, regular, and adequate. Additionally, students in Carter County Schools are identified by the Attendance Clerk/Secretary upon enrollment or through home visits and referrals by the Family Resource/Youth Service Center Coordinators and the Director of Pupil Personnel.
Federal Non-Regulatory Guidance
National Association for the Education of Children and Youth
National Center for Homeless Education
National Coalition for the Homeless
Housing Insecurity & College: A Resource
for Students Experiencing Homelessness
Contact District Liaison
Pam Kouns
606-474-6696 Ext. 20103